PolyClipper data types

As mentioned in section PolyClipper concepts, PolyClipper includes the data types Vector2d, Vector3d, Plane2d, Plane3d, Vertex2d, and Vertex3d, all defined inside the C++ namespace PolyClipper. For 2D (polygon) operations include the header polyclipper2d.hh, while for 3D (polyhedron) include polyclipper3d.hh. In this section we describe the C++ interface for each of these types.


Python interface notes

The Python interface is identical to C++, with template parameters defaulted to PolyClippper’s Vector2d/Vector3d implementations. We also define a Polygon and Polyhedron class for in Python, which are std::vector<PolyClipper::Vertex2d<>> and std::vector<PolyClipper::Vertex3d<>> under the hood.

Vector classes


class Vector2d

Vector2d represents a 2D vector coordinate in space, \((x,y)\). It supports a small number of simple vector manipulation operations:

double Vector2d::x

\(x\) coordinate

double Vector2d::y

\(y\) coordinate


Construct a Vector2d(0,0)

Vector2d::Vector2d(double X, double Y)

Construct a Vector2d(X,Y)

double Vector2d::dot(const Vector2d &b) const

Returns the dot product: \(\vec{a} \cdot \vec{b}\)

double Vector2d::cross(const Vector2d &b) const

Returns the \(z\) component of the cross product: \(\vec{a} \times \vec{b}\)

double Vector2d::magnitude2() const

Returns the square of the magnitude of the vector: \(\vec{a} \cdot \vec{a}\)

double Vector2d::magnitude() const

Returns the magnitude of the vector: \(\sqrt{\vec{a} \cdot \vec{a}}\)

Vector2d &Vector2d::operator*=(const double b)

Inplace multiplication by a scalar: \(\vec{a} = b \vec{a}\)

Vector2d &Vector2d::operator/=(const double b)

Inplace division by a scalar: \(\vec{a} = \vec{a}/b\)

Vector2d &Vector2d::operator+=(const Vector2d &b)

Inplace addition with another vector: \(\vec{a} = \vec{a} + \vec{b}\)

Vector2d &Vector2d::operator-=(const Vector2d &b)

Inplace subtraction with another vector: \(\vec{a} = \vec{a} - \vec{b}\)

Vector2d Vector2d::operator*(const double b) const

Returns the result of multiplication by a scalar: \(b \vec{a}\)

Vector2d Vector2d::operator/(const double b) const

Returns the result of division by a scalar: \(\vec{a}/b\)

Vector2d Vector2d::operator+(const Vector2d &b) const

Returns the result of addition with another vector: \(\vec{a} + \vec{b}\)

Vector2d Vector2d::operator-(const Vector2d &b) const

Returns the result of subtraction with another vector: \(\vec{a} - \vec{b}\)

Vector2d Vector2d::operator-() const

Returns the negative of this vector: \(-\vec{a}\)

Vector2d Vector2d::unitVector() const

Returns the unit vector pointing in the direction of this one: \(\vec{a}/\sqrt{\vec{a} \cdot \vec{a}}\).

If \(\vec{a} = (0,0)\), returns the unit vector in the \(x\) direction: \((1,0)\).


class Vector3d

Vector3d represents a 3D vector coordinate in space, \((x,y,z)\). It supports a small number of simple vector manipulation operations:

double Vector3d::x

\(x\) coordinate

double Vector3d::y

\(y\) coordinate

double Vector3d::z

\(z\) coordinate


Construct a Vector3d(0,0,0)

Vector3d::Vector3d(double X, double Y, double Z)

Construct a Vector3d(X,Y,Z)

double Vector3d::dot(const Vector3d &b) const

Returns the dot product: \(\vec{a} \cdot \vec{b}\)

Vector3d Vector3d::cross(const Vector3d &b) const

Returns the cross product: \(\vec{a} \times \vec{b}\)

double Vector3d::magnitude2() const

Returns the square of the magnitude of the vector: \(\vec{a} \cdot \vec{a}\)

double Vector3d::magnitude() const

Returns the magnitude of the vector: \(\sqrt{\vec{a} \cdot \vec{a}}\)

Vector3d &Vector3d::operator*=(const double b)

Inplace multiplication by a scalar: \(\vec{a} = b \vec{a}\)

Vector3d &Vector3d::operator/=(const double b)

Inplace division by a scalar: \(\vec{a} = \vec{a}/b\)

Vector3d &Vector3d::operator+=(const Vector3d &b)

Inplace addition with another vector: \(\vec{a} = \vec{a} + \vec{b}\)

Vector3d &Vector3d::operator-=(const Vector3d &b)

Inplace subtraction with another vector: \(\vec{a} = \vec{a} - \vec{b}\)

Vector3d Vector3d::operator*(const double b) const

Returns the result of multiplication by a scalar: \(b \vec{a}\)

Vector3d Vector3d::operator/(const double b) const

Returns the result of division by a scalar: \(\vec{a}/b\)

Vector3d Vector3d::operator+(const Vector3d &b) const

Returns the result of addition with another vector: \(\vec{a} + \vec{b}\)

Vector3d Vector3d::operator-(const Vector3d &b) const

Returns the result of subtraction with another vector: \(\vec{a} - \vec{b}\)

Vector3d Vector3d::operator-() const

Returns the negative of this vector: \(-\vec{a}\)

Vector3d Vector3d::unitVector() const

Returns the unit vector pointing in the direction of this one: \(\vec{a}/\sqrt{\vec{a} \cdot \vec{a}}\).

If \(\vec{a} = (0,0,0)\), returns the unit vector in the \(x\) direction: \((1,0,0)\).

Plane classes

template<typename VA>
class Plane

Plane represents a plane for clipping polytopes, and is templated on VA (a Vector adapter) type describing how to use the appropriate geometric Vector type.


In the headers polyclipper2d.hh and polyclipper3d.hh we define the typedefs:

using Plane2d = Plane<internal::VectorAdapter<Vector2d>>;
using Plane3d = Plane<internal::VectorAdapter<Vector3d>>;

(both in the namespace PolyClipper) for convenience when working with PolyClipper’s native Vectors.

A plane is stored as a unit normal and closest signed distance from the plane to the origin: \((\hat{n}, d)\). The signed distance from the plane to any point \(\vec{p}\) is

\[d_s(\vec{p}) = (\vec{p} - \vec{p}_0) \cdot \hat{n} = d + \vec{p} \cdot \hat{n},\]

where \(\vec{p}_0\) is any point in the plane. Note with this definition the \(d\) parameter defining the plane is \(d = -\vec{p}_0 \cdot \hat{n}\).

typedef Vector VA::VECTOR
double Plane::dist

The minimum signed distance from the origin to the plane \(d\).

Vector Plane::normal

The unit normal to the plane \(\hat{n}\).

int Plane::ID

An optional integer identification number for the plane. This is used by Vertex<VA> to record which plane(s) are responsible for creating the vertex.


Default constructor – implies {\(\hat{n}, d\), ID} = {(1,0,0), 0.0, std::numeric_limits<int>::min()}

Plane::Plane(const double d, const Vector &nhat)

Construct with {\(\hat{n}, d\), ID} = {nhat, d, std::numeric_limits<int>::min()}

Plane::Plane(const Vector &p, const Vector &nhat)

Construct specifying the normal and a point in the plane, so {\(\hat{n}, d\), ID} = {nhat, \(-p\cdot\hat{n}\), std::numeric_limits<int>::min()}

Plane::Plane(const Vector &p, const Vector &nhat, const int id)

Construct specifying the normal, a point in the plane, and ID, so {\(\hat{n}, d\), ID} = {nhat, \(-p\cdot\hat{n}\), id}

Vertex classes


template<typename VA = internal::VectorAdapter<Vector2d>>
class Vertex2d

Vertex2d is used to encode Polygons in 2d. A vertex includes a position and the connectivity to neighboring vertices in the Polygon. In this 2d case, the connectivity is always 2 vertices, ordered such that going from the first neighbor, to this vertex, and on to the last neighbor goes around the Polygon in the counter-clockwise direction. This is illustrated in the Polygon examples in PolyClipper concepts.


Note that while Vertex2d is templated on a geometric Vector trait class, the template argument defaults to an implementation appropriate for use with PolyClipper::Vector2d.

typedef Vector VA::VECTOR
Vector Vertex2d::position

The position of the vertex in \((x,y)\) coordinates.

std::pair<int, int> Vertex2d::neighbors

The neighbor vertices this vertex is connected too. These should be listed in counter-clockwise order going around the Polygon, so that neighbors.first is clockwise and neighbors.second is counter-clockwise from this vertex.

int Vertex2d::comp

An internal state integer, for comparing this vertex to planes. Used and overwritten during clipping operations.

int Vertex2d::ID

An optional ID index for this vertex. Used and overwritten during clipping operations.

std::set<int> Vertex2d::clips

The set of Plane2d ID’s responsible for creating this vertex during clipping operations. Used and overwritten during clipping operations.


Default constructor, sets member data to {position, neighbors, comp, ID, clips} = {(0,0), (), 1, -1, {}}

Vertex2d::Vertex2d(const Vector &pos)

Construct with just the position

Vertex2d::Vertex2d(const Vector &pos, const int c)

Construct with {position, comp} = {pos, c}


template<typename VA = internal::VectorAdapter<Vector3d>>
class Vertex3d

Vertex3d is used to encode Polyhedra in 3d. A vertex includes a position and the connectivity to neighboring vertices in the Polyhedron. For Polyhedra, the neighbor connectivity should be 3 or more neighbors, listed counter-clockwise as viewed from the exterior side of the vertex (see the illustrations in PolyClipper concepts for examples).


Note that while Vertex3d is templated on a geometric Vector trait class, the template argument defaults to an implementation appropriate for use with PolyClipper::Vector3d.

typedef Vector VA::VECTOR
Vector Vertex3d::position

The position of the vertex in \((x,y,z)\) coordinates.

std::vector<int> Vertex3d::neighbors

The neighbor vertices this vertex is connected too, listed in counter-clockwise order as viewed from the exterior of the Polyhedron.

int Vertex3d::comp

An internal state integer, for comparing this vertex to planes. Used and overwritten during clipping operations.

int Vertex3d::ID

An optional ID index for this vertex. Used and overwritten during clipping operations.

std::set<int> Vertex3d::clips

The set of Plane3d ID’s responsible for creating this vertex during clipping operations. Used and overwritten during clipping operations.


Default constructor, sets member data to {position, neighbors, comp, ID, clips} = {(0,0,0), (), 1, -1, {}}

Vertex3d::Vertex3d(const Vector &pos)

Construct with just the position

Vertex3d::Vertex3d(const Vector &pos, const int c)

Construct with {position, comp} = {pos, c}